Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Edgar Dales Cone of Experiences

Edgar dale s cone of experience

  1. 1. Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience
  2. 2. Questions to be Addressed:  Who is Edgar Dale?  What is the Cone of Experience?  Is the Cone of Experienced based on previous theories?  What are mis-conceptions of the Cone of Experience?  How can the Cone help instruction?
  3. 3. Edgar Dale (1900-1985) served on The Ohio State University faculty from 1929 until 1970. He was an internationally renowned pioneer in the utilization of audio-visual materials in instruction. He also made major research contributions in the teaching of vocabulary and testing readability of texts. Jeanne S. Chall, an OSU Ph.D. graduate who went on to become a leading innovator in reading research. Perhaps Professor Dale's most famous concept was called the "cone of experience," a graphic depiction of the relationship between how information is presented in instruction and the outcomes for learners. - Take from the Ohio State University Website http://ehe.osu.edu/edtl/about/tradition.cfm#dale
  4. 4.  First introduced in Dale’s 1946 book, Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching  Designed to “show the progression of learning experiences” (Dale (1969) p. 108) from the concrete to the abstract
  5. 5. CONCRETE LEARNING ABSTRACT LEARNING  First-hand experiences  Learner has some control over the outcome  Incorporates the use of all five senses  Difficulty when not enough previous experience or exposure to a concept  Every level of the Cone uses abstract thinking in come way
  6. 6.  Hoban, Hoban & Zisman’s Visual Media Graph  Value of educational technology is based on their degree of realism  Jerome Bruner’s Theory of Instruction  Three levels in the learning process  Enactive – direct experience  Iconic – representation of experience  Symbolic – words or visual symbols  The process of learning must begin in concrete experiences and move toward the abstract if mastery is to be obtained.
  7. 7. Intentions of the Cone of Experience  Dale (1969) wrote that  May lead to a more useful way of thinking about audio visual materials and their application in the classroom  The levels of the Cone are interactive  As one moves up the Cone there is not necessarily an increase in difficulty but rather an increase in abstract thought
  8. 8. Mis-Conceptions of the Cone  All teaching/learning must move from the bottom to the top of the Cone.  One kind of experience on the Cone is more useful than another  More emphasis should be put on the bottom levels of the Cone  The upper level of the Cone is for older students while the lower levels are for younger students  It overemphasizes the use of instructional media
  9. 9. Misrepresentations of the Cone www.biij.org/2008/1/e16/fig4.gif www.compstrategies.com/.../img002.gif www.cals.ncsu.edu/agexed/sae/ppt1/img012.GIF web20guru.wikispaces.com/file/view/dalescone.gif
  10. 10.  Enactive – direct experiences  Direct, Purposeful  Contrived  Dramatized  Iconic – pictorial experiences  Demonstrations  Study trips  Exhibits  Educational television  Motion pictures  Recordings, radio, still pictures  Symbolic – highly abstract experiences  Visual symbols  Verbal symbols
  11. 11. Direct and Purposeful Experiences  Direct, first hand experiences  Have direct participation in the outcome  Use of all our senses  Examples:  Working in a homeless shelter  Tutoring younger children
  12. 12.  Models and mock-ups  “editing of reality”  Necessary when real experience cannot be used or are too complicated  Examples  Use of a pilot simulator  Mock up of an auto plant to show the auto making process
  13. 13.  Reconstructed experiences  Can be used to simplify an event or idea to its most important parts  Divided into two categories  Acting – actual participation (more concrete)  Observing – watching a dramatization take place (more abstract) Monticello Students engaged in a mock trial
  14. 14. ICONIC EXPERIENCES ON THE CONE  Progressively moving toward greater use of imagination  Successful use in a classroom depends on how much imaginative involvement the method can illicit from students  Involves:  Demonstrations  Study trips  Exhibits  Motion pictures  Educational television  Radio, recordings, and still pictures
  15. 15. Demonstrations • Visualized explanation of an important fact, idea, or process • Shows how certain things are done • Examples: ▫ How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich ▫ How to play the piano ▫ How to lift a fingerprint www.ttr.com/model1.html Flame Salt Test Demonstration- You Tube (right click to open link) •http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= YFqq1rL8PjQ
  16. 16. Study Trips  Watch people do things in real situations  Observe an event that is unavailable in the classroom  Examples:  Civil War Re-enactment  Old World Wisconsin  Class trip to Washington D.C.
  17. 17. Exhibits  Something seen by a spectator  Two types  Ready made ○ Museum ○ Career fair  Home-made ○ Classroom project ○ National History Day competition
  18. 18. Educational Television and Motion Pictures Television Motion Pictures  Bring immediate interaction with events from around the world  Edit an event to create clearer understanding than if experienced actual event first hand  Example:  TV coverage of 9/11  Can omit unnecessary or unimportant material  Used to slow down a fast process  Viewing, seeing and hearing experience  Can re-create events with simplistic drama that even slower students can grasp
  19. 19. Recordings, Radio, and Still Pictures  Can often be understood by those who cannot read  Helpful to students who cannot deal with the motion or pace of a real event or television  Examples:  Time Life Magazine  Listening to old radio broadcasts  Listening to period music copyservices.tamu.edu/clipart/clip09/index.html
  20. 20. Very little immediate physical action  Difficult only if one doesn’t have enough direct experience to support the symbol Used at all levels of the Cone in varying importance Involves: • Visual symbols • Verbal symbols
  21. 21. VISUAL SYMBOLS  No longer involves reproducing real situations  Chalkboard and overhead projector the most widely used media  Help students see an idea, event, or process  Examples:  Chalkboard  Flat maps  Diagrams  charts http://pro.corbis.com http://419.bittenus.com/6/6ballgameslottery/geography.gif
  22. 22.  Two types › Written words – more abstract › Spoken words – less abstract  Examples: › Discussion › Explanation/lecture
  23. 23. Concrete or Abstract Learning? How could Dale’s Cone of Experience have changed this lesson for Calvin? What instructional media could his teacher have used to have helped Calvin find meaning in this lesson?
  24. 24. What does the Cone mean for instruction?  Dale (1938) taught teachers that they should help their students learn how the media effects us, and to critically evaluate it.  Teachers must evaluate the benefit of the learning vs. the amount of time required in the lesson  How to effectively use instructional media to helping students move from concrete to abstract thought http://elzeeyed.com/ydome/wpcontent/uploads/2007/08/teacher_cartoon.gif
  25. 25. Other Instructional Technology Learning Theories  Anchored Instruction ◦ Developed by John Bransford at Vanderbilt University ◦ Principles:  1. Learning and teaching activities should be anchored around a case-study or problem  2. Curriculum materials should allow students to explore a lesson through instructional media  Elaboration Theory ◦ Charles Reigeluth (Indiana University) and his colleagues in the late 1970s ◦ Elaboration theory is an instructional design theory that emphasizes the creation of a learning sequence from simple to more complex content in order to create deeper understanding.
  26. 26.  How do you use technology in your instruction?  Does the use of technology enhance learning?  Do today’s technology savvy students require greater usage of technology than in the past?  How can you use technology to create learning experiences?
  27. 27. Conclusion: •The Cone of Experience is a visual device to aid teachers in the selection of instructional media •The Cone is based on the movement from concrete experiences to abstract experiences •The literal interpretation of the Cone has resulted in misconceptions of its use •The Cone has practical applications in classroom instruction
  28. 28.  Cisco Systems, Incorporated. (2008). Multimodal learning through media: What the research says. Fadel, C., & Lemke, C. Retrieved from http://www.cisco.com/web/strategy/docs/education/Multimodal-Learning-Through- Media.pdf on February 10, 2009.  Dale, E. (1969). Audiovisual methods in teaching. New York: Dryden Press  Dooley, K. (2005). Advanced methods in distance education: Applications and practices for educators, administrators and learners. Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing.  Heinich, R., Molenda, M., & Russell, J. D. (1989). Instructional media and the new technologies of instruction. New York: Macmillan.  Molenda, M. (2003). Cone of Experience. In Kovalchick, A., & Dawson, K. (Eds.). Education and technology: An encyclopedia (p. 161-164). Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO.  Seels, B. (1997). The relationship of media and ISD theory: The unrealized promise of Dale’s cone of experience. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Albuquerque, New Mexico. (ERIC Document Reproducation Service No. ED409869)  Turner, G. (2000). Teaching young adults: A handbook for teachers in further education. Florence, KY: Routledge.  Elaboration Theory - http://www.learning-theories.com/elaboration-theory-reigeluth. html  Anchored Instruction - http://tip.psychology.org/anchor.html

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